Friday, May 25, 2012

Website is up

This is just a quick post to announce that my website is up and running.  I know I've already told everyone on Facebook and so many friends from my email list, but I forgot to blog it. How could I?

It's very exciting for me. I hope you'll stop buy, troll around a bit and read the first chapter of FLOURISH, which I've been mentioning in my blogs for quite a while now. You'll see pictures of the actual vineyard that inspired the novel and even a picture of me!

 FLOURISH is still in the unpublished state looking for a home and I'll keep you posted on that journey. The website is part of the twenty-first century road toward publication. Jane Austin never had to do any of this!

I had the opportunity to read publicly from FLOURISH this past week: May 20th  at a book club in New Jersey, May 23rd at the KGB bar in NYC. Both events were very exciting for this author. The night at the KGB bar was sponsored by the WNBA- NYC branch. That's the Womens National Book Association, not basketball. We had the name first and I'm not sure if anyone in the association even does jump shots or 3 pointers. Check them out at

Below is a video from my reading at the KGB bar. It's kind of dark since the bar was VERY dark, shade of the fifties and sixties beatnik era in The Village, and you'll hear street noise in the background, but you will hear the first five minutes of the first chapter of FLOURISH.

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